Change log: 1. change gain level from "High and Low" to "High, Middle and Low"; 2. Add 4 more digital filters in firmware V1.0; 3. Add 4.4mm Line out Output; 4. USB DAC mode work with Mobile phone. How to set it on V3, turn on the following settings: System->USB working mode->Device
System->USB device mode->Audio
System->USB current limited->ON 5. Multi-layer file folders support Read tracks under multi-layer files completely.
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for Sonata BHD Pro Win7Win8
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for Sonata BHD Pro Win10
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for V6 Win7Win8
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for V6 Win10
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for M3 Win7Win8
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for M3 Win10
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for Serenade X Win7Win8
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver forSerenade X Win10
Click hereto download the TempoTec V6 Firmware V1.10. Change log: 1. Add 192kHz support for Amazon music app. 2. add "on/off" switch for Play Store, HiByCast and CoolApk. Provide a choice for you to run or quit the APP as need. Save and reserve runtime memory for music process. 3. Update HiByMusic App to 2.06_V6057. 4. Fix L&R channels occasionally swapped problem while weaken from standby status.
Click hereto download the V2.0 firmware update instruction
Click hereto download the Sonata HD V&Sonata HD III&Sonata E44&Sonata E35&Sonata BHD&Sonata HD PRO
Windows USB2.0 Audio Driver
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Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for Serenade X&Variations V6&March M3_Win7Win8
Click hereto download the TempoTec USB2.0 Audio Driver for Serenade X&Variations V6&March M3_Win10
Click hereto download the
Click hereto download the TempoTec V6 Firmware V1.10. Change log: 1. Add 192kHz support for Amazon music app. 2. add "on/off" switch for Play Store, HiByCast and CoolApk. Provide a choice for you to run or quit the APP as need. Save and reserve runtime memory for music process. 3. Update HiByMusic App to 2.06_V6057. 4. Fix L&R channels occasionally swapped problem while weaken from standby status.